Tuesday 24 September 2013

1950's Teddy Boys

LetterTeddy Boys

Teddy boys were recognised for their Edwardian dress e.g. 'Teddy'. They experiment with 'dandy' fashion and appearences and practices as an antidote to Poverty (Fywell 1963). They listen to American Rock and Roll music, musicians such as James Dean and Elvis Presley (Brak 1985). They both use narcissim and dandyism at the same time.

Teddy boys are assoicaited with violences derived from a 'butch' dandyism, which sought to protest working class mascunlinity. They were apparently worse in the winter as there was a lack of jobs and lack of access of places to go. In the Evening Argus article they are said to be this way, because they lack religious beliefs, which puts them in the darkness.

In previous articles they were described as 'teenage terrorists' to create a public scare in articles. In the article Get Rid of Them, they were described as 'very nauseating specimens of English youth,' and  'They are an awful disgrace to Brighton'.

In the articles aggressive language is used to exaggerate the behaviour of the group. The other party involved in are described as minor and small, suggesting the Teddy Boys are big brutes, but are at the bottom of the authority ladder. The Teddy Boys are easy to point the blame at in the media, because they have this reputation.

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1 comment:

  1. It might be worth considering the similarities between Teddy Boys and other youth sub cultures.
