Monday, 17 March 2014

Social Realism: The Inbetweeners

The Inbetweeners is a British Sitcom as well as a British coming of age film. The main characters Simon, Jay, Will and Neil who are British teenage boys who are at sixth form and in the film they have finished their A levels. 

Why has this had an effect on me?

The Inbetweeners franchise is easy to relate to as it is set in a similar situation that I and many other young people are in. Especially in the last few years of high school you really meet the Jay's of this world. Even though the characters are in some cases the extremes of certain characteristics that make up a average teenage boy this has worked to the programmes advantage to make it a comedy, because they are so different and the friction between them allows for jokes that maybe wouldn't work well if they were all similar. The relationship with the adults also shows some truth in real life. They joke about Neil's dad being a gay and tease Neil about it, however they talk to his dad politely and shows respect. Simon's relationship with his parents is realistic, but over exaggerated to make it funny. He moans and acts like a moody teenager when they politely ask him to do something, he gives an overreacted whine for the comedic effect, but it is true to the percept of those moody teenagers. It reminds me of a less extreme version of Kevin from the Harry Enfield Show)...     

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